Phonics at Whitehouse Primary School
At Whitehouse Primary School we use the Read Write Inc. programme to teach phonics.
What is Read Write Inc?
Read Write Inc. (RWI) is a phonics based programme which helps children learn to read whilst also developing a wide range of vocabulary and encouraging a love of stories. It was developed by Ruth Miskin and more information on this can be found at
How will it work?
Children will be taught a sound a day and will be assessed regularly to ensure when they have reached an appropriate level they will be grouped according to their reading level and then taught the next set of sounds. Within a lesson children learn a new sound before reading and writing words with the new sound in. They also revisit previously taught words for fluency. Children will have a carefully matched storybook which they read with a partner and develop phonic comprehension skills. Over the week the same book is read three times; one for decoding, one for fluency and one for comprehension.
How and what do children learn when using Read Write Inc?
- learn that sounds are represented by written letters
- learn 44 sounds and the corresponding letter/letter groups using simple picture prompts
- learn how to blend sounds
- learn to read words using Fred Talk
- read lively stories featuring words they have learned to sound out
- show that they comprehend the stories by answering questions.
- learn to write the letters/letter groups which represent 44 sounds.
- learn to write words by saying the sounds in Fred Talk
- learn to build sentences orally using adventurous vocabulary
- start to write simple sentences and develop to more complex ones
- compose a range of texts using discussion prompts
Children are assessed so they work with children at the same level. This allows them to take a full part in all lessons. They work in pairs so that they:
- answer every question
- practise every activity with their partner
- take turns in talking to each other.