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If a concept is good enough for our children, it is good enough for a staff too. When we began Crew, we did this as a staff body first so we could experience the benefits of it so we are in the best place to lead our children.  

Whole staff Crew on a Friday afternoon; we meet and share our appreciations, apologies and stands for across school and then have a discussion point each week. These are often linked to new current news, protected characteristics or our attributes to ensure we are always reflecting on our own personal journey. This also allows us to check in as a team and ensure everyone is leaving for the weekend in a good place.  

During the week, when staff meet, they begin with the same structure of Crew - a check in question and any appreciations, apologies and stands. Ensuring these strands are visible in all we do, allows us to build on our culture of support and challenge in a safe environment, encouraging us to be the best versions of ourselves. It also acts as a model for our children to see that we are all on the journey together and we are all equal.