Welcome to our Whitehouse Nursery - Butterfly Class


Our Whitehouse Nursery is an integral part of our school. On joining us, from the term after their third birthday, your child will immediately feel part of our school community.

Our Nursery team is really excited for your child to be starting their learning journey with us!

In Butterfly Class, we love to learn through explorative, imaginative, creative, and sensory play experiences.

Children have the opportunity to learn in our engaging nursery environment where they can play inside or outside, whilst taking part in a mixture of adult led and child initiated activities throughout each day.

We have key group times where children are encouraged to communicate their ideas, ask or answer questions, and will take part in activities based around a key idea or new concept.

These sessions will introduce and develop skills within the areas of the EYFS curriculum. Through regular and ongoing observations of the children, staff plan activities and enrich the environment to cater to individual children’s needs. We recognise that every child is unique and learns at their own pace.

Please speak to Lisa Morris Nursery Lead or your child’s key person if you have any questions or concerns. If you would like to contact us directly, you can email Lisa Morris on  Nursery@whitehouseprimary.co.uk

To arrange a viewing, or to request an information pack, please contact the School Office

Aims and Ethos

As Whitehouse Nursery is part of Whitehouse Primary School we share the same ethos and aims as the main school.

Aspire, Believe, Achieve………..together

At Whitehouse Primary School, high expectations of learning, behaviour and respect for each other underpin everything we do. Our teachers strive to create independent, articulate thinkers and learners who have the confidence to achieve their ambitions. This drives us in our pursuit for excellence every day.

Our Vision

Our vision is to create a school where everyone is welcomed, efforts are valued, ambition is nurtured and where the potential of every child is realised. We aim to create a school that offers an irresistible invitation to learning.”

We wish for every child to become a successful, resilient life-long learner; a responsible, active member of our community, who can achieve and grow in a nurturing and creative environment. We want them to aspire to high standards of achievement in all areas of their life and be equipped with the skills to make a positive impact in our ever changing world.”

At Whitehouse Primary:

  • We aspire to ignite a passion for life-long learning.
  • We are committed in our pursuit for excellence.
  • We are committed to give our children the best possible future life chances, without limits on learning, attainment and achievement. We have a genuine belief that, given the opportunities, every child can succeed.
  • We aspire to develop great thinkers, who are independent, resilient and embrace challenges and new experiences.
  • We encourage co-operation and collaboration, everyone taking responsibility for all that they say and do.
  • We provide exciting but safe and secure spaces, indoors and outdoors, where children can explore, discover and experiment.
  • We value everyone as an individual and encourage respect for others and their opinions.
  • We aim to develop a strong community spirit in our children that helps them to become positive, active responsible citizens in the future.
  • We celebrate and respect the diverse community in which we live and appreciate our responsibilities as global citizens.

We aim to create an ethos where:

  • A welcoming atmosphere is created in school, where children, staff, parents and visitors feel valued.
  • Our children are happy, feel safe and supported and enjoy coming to school.
  • Our children demonstrate good manners and show consideration to and for others.
  • Our children are keen, enthusiastic and totally engaged in their learning.
  • There is a growth mind-set. We stay positive, we value learning from mistakes and we keep going when things become tough.
  • Our children are reflective and thoughtful about their experiences.
  • Our children are motivated and have the confidence to challenge themselves as learners.
  • Our school environment supports children’s learning and values their achievements.
  • Teaching is creative, exciting and stimulates and extends children’s thinking.
  • Our children have a genuine pride in themselves, their efforts and achievements. Talents and creativity are nurtured and encouraged.
  • Our staff are committed professionals who demonstrate a love of teaching, a passion for their own, as well as children’s learning and development, and genuine care for the children they teach.
  • We have high expectations for all within our community to ensure that we demonstrate the very best standards of conduct, moral purpose and integrity.


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