Look at what we have been getting up to in school
This page is dedicated to keeping parents and carers up to date on what we have been getting up to in school.
MK Basketball Champions!
Milton Keynes Basketball Champions 2024 Over the last 4 weeks our basketball team have played 18 matches against other schools in Milton Keynes. 9 matches in the league –…
MK Cross Country Championships
A huge congratulations to our amazing cross country teams in the MK Cross Country Championships! A fantastic 2nd Place in the Ultra Large Schools Competition!!! We saw grit and determination…
Brilliant Basketball!
What an incredible experience for our Whitehouse Y5&6 Basketball Team. As the winners of the MKSSP basketball finals they were selected to play their finals match in front of the…
Dancing Schools UK – WOW!
What an incredible day at the Dancing Schools UK Competition! We are re-naming it Super Saturday! The day started with our Year 1&2 team, who were the first team to…
Bletchley Park
This half term, Year 6 enjoyed a wonderful trip to Bletchley Park. This was a wonderful opportunity for the children to explore our local history and the crucial role the…
Year 4 visit Bradwell Abbey Discovery Centre
On Thursday 2nd November, Year 4 embarked on a trip to Bradwell Abbey Discovery Centre, to enhance and enrich our History knowledge learnt in our Autumn Term Expedition. For many…
Year 4 students experience the world through sound
Year 4 students recently participated in a thought-provoking sound walk. A sound walk is an activity where people walk around and listen to the sounds around them, both natural and…
Anglo-Saxon Day
On the 19th October, Year 5 were treated to an all-day visit from a seasoned historian. We were given an entertaining retelling of the Anglo-Saxon period and our children played…
Pasta Making in Year 5
On Thursday 18th May, Year 5 participated in a Pasta making workshop run by The Pantry. This session linked to our focus on sustainability and sourcing of ingredients. During this session…
Carnival of Colours Parade
On 13th May 2023 some of our Whitehouse Primary Children took part in the Carnival of Colours Parade, immersing themselves in the vibrant world of art and culture as part…