Year 4 students experience the world through sound

Year 4 students recently participated in a thought-provoking sound walk. A sound walk is an activity where people walk around and listen to the sounds around them, both natural and human-made.

On the day of the sound walk, students spent time with architects from Dallas–Pierce–Quintero. After creating ear trumpets to help amplify the sounds around them, the children set off on their sound walk, exploring different areas of the local community.

As they walked, students listened carefully to the wonderful sounds around them. They heard birds chirping in the trees, the wind rustling through the leaves, and small children playing at the park. They also heard the sounds of cars driving by and construction equipment operating in the distance.

Students recorded their observations, noting the type of sound, the source of the sound, and their reaction to the sound, especially thinking about how it made them feel. When they returned to school, students shared their findings and created fantastic leaf-shaped poems expressing their experiences on the sound walk. The poems were shared with Dallas–Pierce–Quintero, who are currently designing a piece of community art which will be installed in woodland locally.